Monday, December 22, 2014

Benefits of microstocks business

Ok, why micro-stocks? What are the benefits of exactly this business? Yes, I call it business, cause if you want to get real income, You should think about it as about your business.

Well, it has a really pleasant advantages, let's explore some of them:

- firstly, you don't need a start-up capital for beginning it, as long as you want to sell 3d renderings and/or illustrations everything you'll need — computer and internet connection. In case, if you plan to also sell photos, you will need camera, but in nowadays, micro-stocks can accept photos that were even made with smartphones, because modern smartphones can shot good enough photos. What's about software? Well, today we have a lot of absolutely free software, for example blender for 3d, GIMP for 2d, and many others (google it, you will be surprised the amounts of them). Also, today, software developers offer some good subscription models for buying their products for a time when you need. For example, you can buy Adobe Photoshop & lightroom bundle on subscription basis, where price started from $9.99 per month! I guess you can spend more for one lunch :).

- as long as stocks are internet business, they don't linked to place (in geographical meaning), so you can work wherever you are. I know some people, who live in one country, but they travel often, and sometimes live in other countries, for example live all winter long in Thailand. And they can work despite of time and place. Anywhere.

- income. Actually, there no limits in amount of incomes. All depends on your wish, time and perseverance. I know some successful stockers make about 20+K per month. And this is not a limit. Many of them started as partial time stockers, and at some moment moved to full-time work for stocks and it caused appreciable increase of their income. You get as much as you worked. You can work on stocks at you free time along with your primary job, and earn ~100-2000$ per month (the actual amount depends on a lot of factors, such as size of portfolio and quality of it) or go for a full-time stock work and gain ten times more.

- you will not stop earning, even if you stop to produce and upload new images. For example, I had a difficult period of time, when I almost wasn't uploading new images for about one year. Actually I uploaded about 8 images per year! This is very insignificantly amount. And my sales hasn't disappeared, they even hasn't decreased! It is because my portfolio were enough big and had a some successful images, which I call "hit". Of course, if I didn't begin to upload lately, my sales started to decrease slowly with the lapse of time. So, you should to upload more and more, but this is life, and if it forces you to stop for a while, your sales will stay at their average level for sometime.

- you will earn by doing what you love!

Next time I'll tell about famous stock sites, give a links for registration on them and explain their difference.

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